Sunday, September 28, 2008

les, flamandes, les flamandes, les fla, les fla, les flamandes

okay, so i went to see jacques brel the other night. and it was great, it was awesome. the music was wonderful, the singers near perfection, and all that jazz. yes, an all-around good performance. fast-forward to a couple of days after the fact: i'm singing "les flamandes" and "next," and lamenting over the fact that i couldn't see it a second time. still, no foul. because i will always remember jacques brel. and the port of amsterdam. and that the middle class are just like pigs. and all the other random lines which go perfectly with nothing that i heard during jacque brel is alive and well and living in paris.

now, to talk about something more tangible than "it was totally kick-ass, dude!" though i noticed a few mess ups here and there, i have to say they were almost non-existant. my favorite song, i must say, ended up being "Amsterdam," which Elijah played a big part of. Now, while the song proved a bit raunchy, it was very well done. As for one of my other favorites, "Les Flamandes," I must admit to liking it mainly because it is so catchy--despite being in French.

All in all, I would declare Jacque Brel a success, though I go not entirely on my own opinion. In the past few days, I have heard many an excited conversation about Jacques Brel, with each review glowing. I have yet to hear any negative talk about Jacque Brel, of which I feel glad. It proved a wonderful performance and I would have gone a second time had it not been sold out on Saturday. Needless to say, after that particular bit of news, my friends and I walked dejectedly away, each singing "Les Flamandes" and "Brussels." Now, if only the performers would produce a soundtrack...

Monday, September 22, 2008

picky, picky

the environment, sadly, is a delicate thing. even the slightest change could set off something we are not prepared for. It also can have trouble making up its mind. after all, there are indications that a warmer earth can cause a cooler climate. yep, i'm not joking here. okay, say the earth heats up horridly (like its threatening to do now), the oceans expand, more water is freed up around the, all that extra water is going to cause extra evaporation, meaning extra cloud cover. and that extra cloud cover is going to suceed in reflecting more sunlight, preventing the earth from heating up "properly." so, even though some places will, undoubtedly, experience droughts, it is safe to assume that other areas will also flood. and, with less sunlight (remember the extra cloud cover), the earth will eventually cool, thus stabalizing the environment a bit more. or none of that could happen. it just goes to show that we need to be more aware of what is happening to the climate and weather around us. we have to pay a bit more attention to all those green house effects and the whole global warming issue.

yep. total awareness would be great. unfortunately, there are people all over the globe who just refute scientific theories without any regard for the scientific method. in other words, they just don't want to think anything bad will happen to the earth. it's been here for a while, after all, and it's not like it will go away any time soon, right? ugh. they need to at least listen to the latest theories--and the ideas behind it--before they go off making assumptions...

well, that's enough ranting for today; i think i'll go and do something else now...

Friday, September 19, 2008


so, i'm sitting here painting my nails some outrageous new color (i don't think it's that weird, but other people might), thinking about bonaparte. mainly because i did a little mini-report on him today and am doing a paper on him. he's a fascinating man and it is really interesting to see all the little threads and similarities between him and figures such as hitler, lenin, stalin, kim jong il (spl.?), and that chinese dude (i really can't remember his name off the top of my head). yeah...comparing napoleon to dictators...really, i don't think it's so nice, considering bonaparte is like a french national hero. still, there ARE similarities, regardless.

so, despite everything (i.e., my freakishly large course load...something like 17 hours...), i am making it through my first semester of college. i think, if i don't make it through still in the honors program, i will still have a nice A GPA. or whatever. but i really, really, really do not want to get kicked out of the honors program. ugh. i do NOT want to go through English 102 with a bunch of normal students with no real aptitude for rhetoric or scholarly discussions. it would be torture, pure and simple. it's bad enough i bombed the math placement test and have to go back to college algebra (i was doing calculus...derivatives, for goodness' sake!).

well, i must go and let my nails dry...

Saturday, September 13, 2008


okay, so the children's fair-thingie was up today...and i ended up walking around with angela and her nieces. it was hot and stuffy, but the girls had fun, so i guess it was worth it. ah, but i still feel exhausted. it's sad that i'm only eighteen and complaining about back pains and wishing i had as much energy as those girls...haha.

well, there's a movie night tonight, so i am going to have to go and see the movie list. my new friend liz (not to be confused with my old friends liz) is hosting it in the student center. it should be great. of course, last weekend, i ended up staying in the student center until 6:30 in the morning, watching monty python or having random conversations.

okay, well, now to go off and look at that movie list...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the newest bit

okay, so i've created a new blog for my computer class. so this is now my second blog (both class-oriented) and i hope i remember to update it frequently enough. my friend angela is doing one as well and--as i've already looked at it--i can say she is doing a nice job.

so far, in computers, i'm doing an okay job. it's just that i need to rework how i study. sadly, my whole life (if studying was necessary) has been devoted to studying for multiple choice question tests...but mr. fox's quizzes/tests are not multiple choice (not entirely, at any rate). so i must change those out-dated study habits. before i completely lose confidence in myself. but! i really like the class, if only because it is not as easy as most of the classes i've had are. it's a challenge. now i just need to rise up to that challenge...or something. because failing is not only an insult to me, but to the teacher and to my friends. be able to fail without worry of hurting anyone else's feelings...actually, i don't want an F!!! or a D...or even a C. I have, and most likely always will be, an A-B student. and I like it that way. So! off to review notes and such...