Monday, November 24, 2008

Late Night Hour

So, I was sitting at my computer, studying for my computer test when it occured that I should probably turn in my extra credit. And then I realized that, due to the late hour, I would not be able to finish up those movie reviews. And I had so much planned, too. It really is just sad that I can't seem to remember anything. Well, at least I have everything here, right?

Friday, November 21, 2008


That's right. It was wonderful. Completely, and unabashedly awesome. You can't deny it. Unless, of course, you didn't see the movie. Or read the books. But I have. And I loved it. The movie didn't really follow Twilight to a "T" (teehee), but it was pretty darn good. I liked it, really. It truly kept the essence of Twilight, that certain something--as undefinable as it is--that draws me in so wonderfully.

But, fortunately for everyone, instead of randomly gushing about this, I think I'll draw this blog entry to a close and bother my friends...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

blood drive woes

i went to the blood drive today to give blood. after waiting an hour (not too bad; i've seen worse), i was interviewed and had my vitals tested. well, first off, i was told my heartbeat is irregular...nothing bad, just irregular. ok; that's new. and then, i had to have two fingers pricked because my iron was slightly low the first time. after that, i had another hour wait (yet again, not that bad). and then i got into one of the lounge chair-thingies...and had a little chat with one of the red cross ladies about twilight.

and then, the needle. oh, it went in fine. it was my blood that was messed up. the guy who was drawing my blood couldn't let go of the needle and tape it down because, as soon as he did, my blood stopped flowing into the little bag. okay. weird. but he also couldn't move even the slightest bit. or my blood would stop flowing. so, after shifting (and my hurting a bit), the guy finally decided to just give up. and, so, after only half a bag of blood, i was sent on my think about the reasons as to why my blood would have begun to clot so fast (the guy was impressed, actually, with its speed and commended me for my good humor). so i went to eat my dinner and then go and rest for a bit before studying for the quiz in's to next blood drive being better...

Monday, November 10, 2008

sleepless night

so, if ever i had a true test of whether or not i'll have a breakdown this semester, it would have been this weekend. thirty hours without sleep is not good. especially if you go to snellville to sing at three church services smack-dab in the middle of your sleepless stretch. but! as i said...there are no cats in america, and the streets are paved with cheese...okay, maybe i cracked a little, but it's all good! i'll get over it after a little while...

but, seriously, i feel fine now. a good twelve hours of sleep mostly fixed me. go figure.

on a lighter note, i just spent a few hours building some twilight wallpapers. i placed one on deviant art...i love twilight. good, fluffy vampire love story, and it got a lot of people to read (just like harry potter did!). i can't wait for the movie to come out. it should be good.

well, i will say goodbye now...i must go off to sleep...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Presidential Regime

So Barack Obama won. That's pretty cool. And historic. Obama, I must say, is a very charismatic guy and, while he might not get everything he promised done during his presidency (people forget that congress has their own part in government, too, not just the president), he's very idealistic and will at least try.

A lot of people are quite mad at the election results. Though it really is kind of stupid. I mean, I'm not a democrat--not really--but I know that it's best that a democratic president was elected. The government goes through a very healthy cycle of democrat-republican. And this cycle keeps us in balance. The Republicans believe in freer markets, thus encouraging growth for entrepreneurs. This, however, can also cause a lot of problems if allowed to go on unchecked (as with now, especially if the president before did not properly address the economy). And then there are the Democrats, who take a more socialist, government-involved approach. This seems bad but can be good. Whereas Republicans open up the market (for good and bad), Democrats close it up a bit (again, for good and bad). Now is a time for Democrats. We need to patch up this economy of ours and the best way is to put a bit more government control. Now, as I said, I am not a democrat, so when the election of 2016 rolls around (i believe in the two-term policy. four years is just too little time), I will support Republicans and their call for more open markets. But for now we need a bit of regulation.

Please do not kill me for my opinions; I simply like the economy.