Friday, September 19, 2008


so, i'm sitting here painting my nails some outrageous new color (i don't think it's that weird, but other people might), thinking about bonaparte. mainly because i did a little mini-report on him today and am doing a paper on him. he's a fascinating man and it is really interesting to see all the little threads and similarities between him and figures such as hitler, lenin, stalin, kim jong il (spl.?), and that chinese dude (i really can't remember his name off the top of my head). yeah...comparing napoleon to dictators...really, i don't think it's so nice, considering bonaparte is like a french national hero. still, there ARE similarities, regardless.

so, despite everything (i.e., my freakishly large course load...something like 17 hours...), i am making it through my first semester of college. i think, if i don't make it through still in the honors program, i will still have a nice A GPA. or whatever. but i really, really, really do not want to get kicked out of the honors program. ugh. i do NOT want to go through English 102 with a bunch of normal students with no real aptitude for rhetoric or scholarly discussions. it would be torture, pure and simple. it's bad enough i bombed the math placement test and have to go back to college algebra (i was doing calculus...derivatives, for goodness' sake!).

well, i must go and let my nails dry...

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