Thursday, September 11, 2008

the newest bit

okay, so i've created a new blog for my computer class. so this is now my second blog (both class-oriented) and i hope i remember to update it frequently enough. my friend angela is doing one as well and--as i've already looked at it--i can say she is doing a nice job.

so far, in computers, i'm doing an okay job. it's just that i need to rework how i study. sadly, my whole life (if studying was necessary) has been devoted to studying for multiple choice question tests...but mr. fox's quizzes/tests are not multiple choice (not entirely, at any rate). so i must change those out-dated study habits. before i completely lose confidence in myself. but! i really like the class, if only because it is not as easy as most of the classes i've had are. it's a challenge. now i just need to rise up to that challenge...or something. because failing is not only an insult to me, but to the teacher and to my friends. be able to fail without worry of hurting anyone else's feelings...actually, i don't want an F!!! or a D...or even a C. I have, and most likely always will be, an A-B student. and I like it that way. So! off to review notes and such...

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